Monday, March 8, 2021

The Billionaire's Legacy by Reese Ryan


Welcome Back Booklovers! I was just in a romance reading mood last week and I breeze through a few of them. And I wanted to stop and talk about The Billionaire's Legacy by Reese Ryan after the positive response to my tweet on Saturday. 

The Billionaire's Legacy surprised me in a good way. I hate surprise pregnancy romances. I've come across it executed so badly! And I'm not that fond of billionaire/millionaire romances either. So even though the excerpt pulled me in to this one I didn't expect to enjoy this. 

Tech billionaire Benjamin "Benji" Bennett has just sold his company and he's feeling good. At his cousin's wedding he runs into his childhood crush and they end up spending the weekend reconnecting. Sloane Sutton is five years older and his sister's best friend. They part ways with Benji going to Japan for six months. After six months Benji shows up at her doorstep determined to explore a relationship with her. Instead he gets a shock after finding out she's pregnant with twins and was going to keep it from him even with her life currently in shambles.

Sloane didn't want to be anyone's charity case. Even before the pregnancy she let it be known she was uncomfortable being a kept woman. And while I would've gladly enjoyed the billions and sat my happy ass in Japan eating the best sushi in the world I respect her feelings. She saw how dependent her mother was on the men in her life and didn't want it. 

But she needs a place to live, needs to clear some debts, and needs to work out an arrangement with the father of her children so she agrees to come live with him in Magnolia Lake near his cousins. And the next few months aren't easy as they face their share of challenges with this high risk pregnancy, disapproval from family members, and job opportunities that threaten to keep them apart. 

It was refreshing how Benji and Sloane were able to talk out their problems like mature adults. And also cut off family members when they were being toxic. His mother, sister, and even cousin were convinced Sloane is nothing but a gold digger and he told them to respect her or stay out of his children's lives. This book had just the right balance of sweet and sexy and I was enthralled from start to end.

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