Saturday, July 10, 2021

Elemental: Shadows of the Otherside by Whitney Hill


Welcome Back, Booklovers! I don't normally read urban fantasy even though I like the idea of mixing magic into the modern world. Since there's not much Black and brown fantasy in trade publishing and I want to read more indie I wanted to check some out. And I'd heard good things about this series. Plus the covers are stunning.

Arden Finch is a private investigator in North Carolina who is hiding that she is a sylph. As a sylph she has elemental magic though she spends most of her time pretending to be human so she doesn't really know how to use her powers  to their full capacity. In between her investigator jobs she's basically an errand runner for her adoptive mother of sorts, Callista. All her life she's been taught to steer clear of elves however when when one hires her to investigate the disappearance of their elder she finds herself deep into the dangerous world of the Otherside. 

Arden isn't an easy to love character. She's snarky and can be fun sometimes but she also frustrated me. Especially with her refusal to actually use her powers in a world where vamps, weres, elves, and djinn are all trying to stake their claim. She let's herself be too many people's punching bags and doesn't want to intervene with her powers. And she would just jump into situations sometimes without thinking. But then there were moments that I really felt for her. I was glad to see her finally start to take charge towards the end and do what's best for her upon realizing everyone wanted to use her as a pawn for their own gain.

One thing I thought Whitney Hill did well was actually have her react realistically to traumatic situations. Most of the fantasies I read the characters don't have time to react to the violence towards and around them. After a near death experience Arden is jumpy when anyone comes near here. 

There's some romance in here with Roman, a werewolf from a notable family who can't fully transform so he's been cast out of his pack. They have what they describe as an ass and cash relationship. They hook up on an off and she pays him to help her with cases. She keeps him at a distance but he starts to gain feelings and I love when the man is the one who falls in love first. Those parts were well done but unlike in some fantasies didn't take over the story.

Even though we got introduced to many magical creatures I don't feel like the magic system was overly complicated. I didn't have to sit down and take notes to keep everything straight and was still able to follow along. Vampires and werewolves have a presence in this story but they aren't the most powerful beings. It got a little rocky for me in the middle but it picked back up. I would actually check out the rest of the series because I want to know what was the meaning was of that pendant Arden's father gave her and hear more about her parents. And where are the rest of the elementals? Plus book 2 sounds like it's very messy.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the review. I'm immature so "ass and cash" made me giggle.
