Thursday, September 30, 2021

Climb On! by Baptiste Paul


Welcome Back, Booklovers! I'm always looking for Caribbean set picture books for the children in my family. So I was happy to see Climb On! from North South books and I was able to receive an advance e-copy for review. This book releases in February 2022.

Climb On! It is set in St. Lucia and follows a mountain hiking trip between parent and child. There are enthusiastic and encouraging words in French creole peppered throughout the pages. The vibrant illustrations are perfect for young readers. I've done a mountain hike myself in St. Lucia and thought the illustrations perfectly captured the majestic views. My only gripe is I wish there were more story. There doesn't seem to be any particular motive behind the hike as the hike is considered to be the story but dialogue is sparse. Even just more description of what they encounter like other hikers or flora and fauna. There just isn't much to follow along with so when the story ends it feels abrupt. This book is described as for ages 4-8 but I can't see it really holding the older children's attention. 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the review. The illustrations are beautiful.
