Monday, November 8, 2021

Interview with AJ Locke

 Welcome Back, Booklovers! If you follow me on social media you've probably heard me buzzing about her book Magic Dark Magic Divine lately. I have good feelings about this series and we could always use more Black urban fantasy. So get yourself familiar with AJ Locke.

What drew you to writing urban fantasy?

I love the way urban fantasy mixes the real world with the magical. Especially when all the supernatural elements are already a part of the world. I enjoy those ‘hidden in the shadows’ stories as well, but I think it’s so fun when you get to just delve into a world where the fantastical is already integrated. Whether that’s a good thing or not, well that’s part of the journey you get to take with the story.

Have you always been interested in fantasy with strong romantic elements?

Absolutely. I love writing well-rounded books. The romantic elements are as important to me as everything else. I enjoy writing books that give you big world building, interesting plot twists, well developed characters, and a strong romance. 

When was your first book published and what was the process like?

My first published book was Affairs of the Dead in 2013. It’s the first of four books in my Reanimation Files series. It was your typical process with signing on with the publisher and putting the book through edits. It was the first time I’d worked on a book on a professional level, so it was a great experience learning to work with an editor and being involved in things like creating the cover. Hard work for sure but fun.

Is it hard to create a magic system and keep track of everyone’s abilities?

It is challenging! Especially because I love pushing myself to go big, to layer my magic system, to try to come up with a fresh take on an established trope or something new altogether, such as all the creatures I came up with in Magic Dark, Magic Divine. I would be flailing in the dark if I didn’t keep detailed notes to help me remember everything. But I absolutely love creating magic systems, it’s one of my favorite aspects of writing fantasy.

Why should someone pick up Magic Dark, Magic Divine?

Big world building! I really pushed myself with the magic system, I think it’s got a fresh, unique angle, and there’s so much more I can build on in books to come. I think readers will like my main character, Penn, who is a warrior and a strong Black woman, but not without her emotional layers. I really love the cast of characters around her as well, and I think readers would enjoy not just the romantic relationship but her friendships as well. Another character I loved writing was Penn’s Familiar, a creature named Ashe. She’s fun, and I love her interactions with Penn and the other characters. Magic Dark, Magic Divine will not only give you a fast paced, plot twisty urban fantasy, it will make you laugh, and maybe even cry. 

Is it a series or standalone?

There will be a second book coming out next year and hopefully more. I am definitely hoping for a long running series.

Any tips for balancing being a mother and an author?

Whew, I can probably write an entire book about this alone! The main thing I’ll say is never let anyone else tell you that you can’t do it – can’t be a parent and write. I got some comments like that when I had my daughter, questions about how I’d still be able to write and raise her, and before she was one I finished one book and wrote another. It will always be a balancing act. My daughter is seven so she’s a little more independent these days, so even though I’m very busy with her and my day job, I can still fit writing in at night. Bedtime is a God send! You will always find the time to do the things you want to do, so you just have to be mindful of carving that time out for yourself. And don’t feel like a failure when you can’t accomplish every goal. I didn’t write a full-length novel for several years, but I knew I would get back to it, and I did.

In your wildest dreams what is the author milestone you would love to meet?

Of course, hitting a best-sellers list and winning awards for my writing would be great! I would also love a successful adaptation of one of my books in whatever form that came in. Definitely putting that energy out there into the universe.

Have you picked up any new hobbies or interests in the past year?

I can’t say I’ve picked up anything new, but outside of writing I am also an artist so the past year I’ve continued to draw, paint, and be crafty. 

As a self-described caffeine addict, what’s your go-to coffee order?

I keep it simple most days, I love a good dark roast with a splash of creamer. If I’m feeling fancy on the weekend I might make it a mocha topped with some whipped cream. 

Are there any projects that you’re currently working on that you can talk about?

There’s a YA fantasy I’ve been working on that I’m itching to finish. But right now my focus is on the sequel to Magic Dark, Magic Divine. Time to put Penn and the gang through some more trouble!

If you're interested in following AJ Locke check out the links below:






1 comment:

  1. Ooo, the familiar angle sounds interesting.
