Friday, February 4, 2022

Interview with Author Britney S. Lewis

Welcome Back, Booklovers! I've been anticipating her book The Undead Truth of Us ever since I saw it announced in the Rights Reports in Publisher's Weekly. With zombies, Black kids, and dancing; what more do you need? I enjoy her bubbly personality on Twitter and I'm so happy to introduce some of you to Britney S. Lewis.

What is The Undead Truth of Us about? And how did you come up with the idea for it?

The Undead Truth of Us is about sixteen-year-old Zharie “Z” Young who, after her mother’s sudden death, starts seeing zombies. Then she meets an undead boy who shows her how love can change you–for good or for dead. I think readers who enjoyed The Astonishing Color of After and Warm Bodies will enjoy it!

I came up with the concept when I was in college. I wanted to explore different kinds of love (Eros, Philia, and Agape), and I also wanted to explore zombification through the lens of the Haitian folklore and how a zombie remains under the control of a bokor as a personal slave, having no will of its own - rather than of a virus or infection. 

How would you describe your writing process?

I would describe my writing process as chaotic. Once I have an idea, I start a word document, and I jot everything down. Then I open another document, and I start playing around with an opening scene, and an opening chapter. If I love the idea, then I’ll plot it, using the Save The Cat beat sheet. And just for fun - I like to create a Pinterest Board and a playlist on Spotify. 

What are your favorite types of fantasies?

These days, I’m loving low fantasy, dark fantasy, paranormal (monsters, witches, etc), magical realism, and a very select smidge of fairy tales. Also, whatever Legendborn is - I love Legendborn!

How did you celebrate signing your contract?
Ah! Such a great question! Were at the beginning of the pandemic when I signed my contract, so I’m pretty sure I ordered cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, and I’m almost certain my husband got champagne! 

What’s one thing you wish you would’ve known about publishing before this journey? 

There’s still SO MUCH I don’t know, but the most valuable lesson for me is that “no agent is better than a bad agent.” My current agent is AMAZING and deserves all the accolades, but there are literary agents who have the potential to ruin your career before it even begins. Research is everything! 

What advice do you have for authors navigating social media? And how did you decide the right platforms for you?
Woof! Social media is hard, and they can become work if you let them. My advice is to choose the platform you genuinely enjoy and stick with that. I will say, as more and more events are moving to the virtual realm, it might be important to at least have Instagram if anything else.

Have you started planning for your launch? And do you have any teen events planned?
Launches are so fun! I have a few ideas in mind, but as a debut author, there’s a lot I'm still learning. For example, many publishers have a hand on events and launches - they assign you to a publicist who pitch authors for these events, and if they’re lucky - they get picked! I’m hoping I get selected for a few events, and as we move closer to the release date of THE UNDEAD TRUTH OF US, I’ll have a better idea on what my launch looks like. All that to say - I’m REALLY excited for both!

Like Zharie, you enjoy dancing. At what age did you start dancing?
I was in cheer as an elementary school student, and then in middle school I was on the pep squad and on drill team. It wasn’t until 2015 when I was introduced to West Coast Swing, which is a form of ballroom dance! I started competing in 2016, and I’ve been smitten since then! 

Have you picked up any new hobbies in the past 2 years?
That’s such a great question! Honestly, the pandemic has really stunted my sense of adventure the last two years. I’m still active in my local dance community, but recently, my husband and I got into puzzles! They’ve been a lot of fun (but definitely time consuming)!

What’s your go-to cafe order when you’re in a writing mood?
An iced, dirty chai tea latte with almond milk! Yum!

If you could have any other career in the world besides full time author, what would that career be?
It would be in the career I am now! I get to write and edit cards for Hallmark, and it’s so giving to be able to put a smile on someone’s face once they get a card from someone. 

Any info you can share about your current work in progress?
Hm! I can share that it’s not a sequel to my debut novel, but it’s still contemporary horror - AND there may or may not be creepy, alternate universes. 

Make sure you purchase or library request The Undead Truth of Us. You can follow Britney on Twitter @britneyslewis on Instagram @britney.s.lewis and Tik Tok @britneyslewis

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