Monday, April 25, 2022

How to Set Up Your Netgalley Profile

Welcome Back, Booklovers! I often talk about recieving arcs on here but I've never really talked about how to get arcs. One of the more accesible ways to get arcs is through Netgalley. Now if you live outside of the US their are restrictions based on who hold the rights to publish books i territories. But if you live in the US I hope this can be helpful to you.

My Netgalley Profile is set up for a reviewer and I set it up based off tips from Saraciea J. Fennell who is an author and book publicist. She did a thread awhile back giving great tips on what your profile should look like if you want more approvals. It's important to make sure you keep your profile up to date.

For the Categories section don't hesistate to put any and every category that interests you.

For the Bio section this is where you have a real opportunity to sell yourself as a reviewer. What kind of books do you enjoy? What's your background like and what types of books would you be good rep for? Mine lists that I'm a Black book blogger who reviews for Black and Caribbean/Caribbean American rep. I post reviews on my blog WOC Reads and Goodreads but also promote books on other social media platforms.

I make sure to keep my follower count up to date. At the time of writing this I have 

2800+ followers Book Twitter

800+ followers on Instagram

You should also include authors that you love so publicists know what types of books you read. That's another section I update often aside from followers. Because the authors I enjoy is subject to change depending on their current bodies of work. 

These are the authors I have listed right now.

Alexis Henderson, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, Kristina Forest, BB Alston, Shakira Bourne, Agnes Gomillion, Alexis Daria, N.E. Davenport , P Djeli Clark, Elizabeth Acevedo, and Synithia Williams.

And then I bring it home by mentioning some of the types of books I like to read in addition to linking other social media links that I don't have in the Where I Share Reviews section.

I enjoy contemporary small town romance, historical fantasy, cozy mystery, urban fantasy, epic fantasy, literary fiction, and thrillers



In the Where I Share Reviews section make sure to include links to your goodreads, blogs, and social media.

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