Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Summoning Up Love by Synithia Williams

Welcome Back, Booklovers! I've already professed my love for the Jackson Falls series by Synithia Williams so many times and I was very lucky to receive a finished copy of Summoning Up Love from Synithia and Harlequin. Small town and ghosts intrigued me and I couldn't wait to dive in.

When Vanessa gets fired she decided to go stay in Sunshine Beach, where her grandmother has multiple properties, while she regroups. While there her grandmother confesses to feeling the presence of a ghost who she believes is her dead husband. She hires some local ghost hunters to help but Vanessa is skeptical. Dion is determined to show Vanessa that he and his brothers are legit while also trying to secure the chance to film a pilot for a new series.

This was a little different than the other books from the Special Edition line that I've read. While it had all the staples of a small town which I enjoyed like the gossipy nosy neighbors and the homestyle food; Synithia brought the heat with some great sex scenes. 

I don't watch those ghost hunter shows. I'm very much a leave the spirits alone type of person especially if you have to live where they are. And I honestly I be thinking that's some white folks mess. I could tell Synithia really did her research while also putting her own special twist on it. She managed to incorporate the ghost hunting without going too far into the paranormal. 

I also appreciated that this book follows two characters who are trying to figure out where they should go next in their careers. Dion is working in public works for the town and it's evident his boss doesn't appreciate him. He has to decide whether it's time to make a career move or just continue to coast along unfulfilled.

It's always nice when the men in romance have some depth and things going for them outside of their love interest. I liked that Dion was a softer character. He's a homebody who has insecurities when it comes to relationships because he was told he's too boring a safe. 

This was a short book but she packed so much story but in a way where everything fit and it didn't feel overwhelming or like things weren't getting enough attention. It's also set up for the next book in the series and I'm looking forward to it.


  1. Synithia coming for the #1 spot I see! This sounds like it's right up my alley. Will be purchasing and reading soon! Lovely review.

  2. Enjoyed the review. Sounds like a fun read.
