Wednesday, April 5, 2023

How I Discover New Books

Welcome Back Booklovers! One question I constantly get from followers is "How do you find new books?" Because while I often read new releases these new releases aren't always book that are heavily discussed on social media. So today I'm sharing the sources I use to discover new books and authors.


While mentions of Book Twitter might automatically make some think of drama I find it one of my best sources for discovering new books especially by Black authors. The book community on there is very large and because authors follow other authors and promote their books I'm constantly finding new stories. I can expect to see deal announcements and if the synopsis catches my eye, I'll follow that author so their book is on my radar in 2 years. And there are plenty of opportunities to discover new books through cover reveals and release day tweets.

2. Netgalley

Netgalley is a site where readers can request e-galleys of upcoming or recently released books. You start by creating a profile based on whether you're a bookseller, book trade professional, educator, librarian, media/journalist, or reviewer.  Not only is it a space where major publishers connect books to readers but also smaller indie publishers and indie authors. There are various categories to choose from based off genre.

3. Publicity Emails

As I book reviewer I receive emails from publishers about upcoming books all the time. They want people to review these stories and ideally target email lists filled with creators of those backgrounds make it easier to get book attention. My blog has a contact form and sometimes publicists will reach out to me through there if I'm not already on their mailing lists suggesting books to me based off the books I usually post about. Even if I'm not interested in getting a galley I still discover new books this way.

4. Edelweiss

Like Netgalley, Edelweiss is a site where publishers list and upload review e-galleys for reviewers, booksellers, librarians, etc. Unlike Netgalley, Edelweiss is more bookseller and librarian focused so you'll also see more publishing houses than indie authors and catalogues can be uploaded there for various seasons. Regular reviewers are least likely to get approved here so I use this site less for requesting books and more to discover new books releasing over the next six months. There are a few publishers that aren't listed on Netgalley who do galleys here and sometimes books that aren't listed on that site will appear here. And sometimes I will get a notification that I've been invited to view a book on this site. A few times a month I'll browse through my saved filters to make a list of upcoming books especially when it comes to children's literature. 

5. Amazon

I find so many new to me books just browsing Amazon. I love that once you read a book they start to suggest similar ones like it to you. This is especially good for indie books. So much of the indie romance, fantasy, and picture books I come across are in the Inspired by your browsing history section of the site. But I also discover some traditionally published books that got lost in the shuffle of announcements and release dates.

6. Book Influencers

I don't take book recs from everybody. I like to follow a mix of people who have both similar reading taste to me and completely different reading taste. I follow people with different reading taste because sometimes they'll introduce me to a new author or a book I wouldn't pick up otherwise.

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