Thursday, May 11, 2023

Interview with Author Brittany N Williams

Welcome Back, Booklovers! Today I have another author interview and it's with Brittany N Williams, the author of The Self-Same Metal which is a young adult fantasy out now. It follows a Black girl with metal bending powers fighting a Fae uprising in Shakespearean London. And if that sounds cool, then keep reading!

What was the inspiration for That Self-Same Metal? And why did you choose a historical setting for this story rather than contemporary?

I was researching West African traditions and came across the Orisha, particularly Ogun who is the spirit of war, technology, and iron. That immediately had me wondering what would happen if someone blessed by Ogun with the power to control iron fought against the fae. Then my love of Shakespeare burst in and I knew I wanted it to be set during his lifetime and have an epic battle happen during a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

When writing a fantasy how do you keep the different plots straight?

For me, that level of detail work happens in revisions. With the first draft, I’m only trying to figure out the story. After that, I start charting things. I read through it to take notes and I’ll map out the plot using the Save the Cat method. I also got this really incredible outline spreadsheet from my friend Tracy Deonn that I love. If you’ve read Legendborn or Bloodmarked, then you know how brilliant she is at tracking plots and subplots.

Do you remember the first book you read that you saw yourself in?

When I was a kid, my aunts and grandmother bought us all the Fred Crump Jr. children’s books. They were all fairy tales illustrated with Black characters. Those and Her Stories by Virginia Hamilton—which I borrowed from the library constantly—definitely laid the foundation for me and what I imagined for myself.

How did you find your writing community?

I found my writing community through a random Twitter interaction. I was mutuals with Jordan Calhoun who was writing for the site Black Nerd Problems and he asked me to come film a parody video with them. After that, they reached out to have me write an article for the site and next thing you know they’re my internet family. That article also kickstarted my friendship with Daniel José Older—who is now my husband—and I’ve grown my writer community through folks he knows as well.

I understand you wrote a short story for Star Wars anthology From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back. Was that a dream project for you?

It was and especially because I got to write from the point of view of my first choice character! I still can’t believe that I wrote Han, Leia, Lando, and L3-37 and that there’s this little pocket of Star Wars canon that I created. Plus, so many other writers I love are in that anthology like Daniel and Tracy Deonn. It’s such an amazing feeling.

How does coming from a theater background inform your writing?

It’s really helped me with writing dialogue and fight scenes. Acting is all about developing a character from lines of dialogue, some actions, and a few descriptions. Writing for me is a kind of reverse of that process. I also have stage combat training which is essential for writing my fights. It made me think of battles in both practical and dramatic terms: stringing together moves that make sense, using fights to reveal and develop characters, showing the effects of injuries physically and mentally, and capturing the rhythm of the fight. It’s been really fun drawing on all those skills in a new way and as much as acting makes me a better writer, writing makes me a better actor too.

Do you have any interest in screenwriting?

I do! I’ve written short things like sketch comedy and full-length theater pieces but I have yet to go for a full screenplay. It feels like the natural next step for me.

What would your ultimate book launch event be like?

Oh! It would be at Shakespeare’s Globe in London or at the Folger Shakespeare Library in DC. It would open with a performance of the fight between Joan, Shakespeare, and Burbage. I’d get to wear a 17th Century gown and have a Q&A with another Shakespeare nerd in front of a packed house. Fingers crossed that’s how it goes with the sequel.

Outside of acting and writing are there any other hobbies you enjoy?

Of course I love reading and watching movies. I also enjoy knitting and I’ve taught myself to read tarot cards. I’d like to become better at sewing so that’s next on my list of hobbies to pick up.

Are there any projects you’re currently working on that you’re able to talk about?

Yes! So, I’m currently directing A Midsummer Night’s Dream for The NOLA Project here in New Orleans. I’m also about to start rehearsals for Twelfth Night with the New Orleans Shakespeare Festival—I’m playing Olivia. And I’m currently editing the sequel to That Self-Same Metal. I can’t say much about it yet but folks can expect more information later this year.

You can follow Brittany on Tik Tok @brittanyacts, Instagram @brittanyacts, and Twitter @brittanyacts

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