Monday, June 26, 2023

Empire of Hanging Swords by R.R. Egal

Welcome Back, Booklovers! I first read this book last December into early Jan 2023 as a beta reader. I've since gotten to know R.R. Egal a little bit better because I was very impressed by her writing and found myself rooting for this book. Since it had been so long since I had read that earlier version jumping back into this was almost like going in with fresh eyes. 

Neferet, the Empress of the Etalan Empire is still mourning the last of her father when she discovers that one of their allies, the Dominus of Theron may be involved in his death. The Dominus' son Dante hates her and would like nothing more than to see her dead. But the two soon discover a conspiracy to kill rulers across the empire and must work together when the Dominus is the next target.

This is an epic fantasy where we're following Dante and Neferet as they journey through the kingdom hunting their mutual enemy. Stories like this require a lot of action and it delivered on that front. Fight scenes were greatly detailed and there were some scenes that had me cringey because of the visuals even though it wasn't overly gory.

Taking inspiration from various religions she's created her own original pantheon that feels fully realized. The gods and goddesses in this book have their own followers and customers built around them. Readers see how some of the characters worship like a real religion rather than it just being cool aesthetic. And since religion is so closely tied into the politics of this world it adds more depth to the story.

Enemies to lovers is a label we see on a lot of books lately but for me so many of them miss the mark. Dante and Neferet  have a great dynamic here as they go from attempting to murder each other to forming an alliance for the good of their countries to realizing they love each other. It never felt forced. They were more than just two people who had a misunderstanding. And it was well paced where I didn't feel like they got together too soon or that it was being dragged out.

The way this book ends leaves room for so many possibilities and promises a just as action packed sequel. 

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed the review, sounds like a great book. I've been craving a good, original pantheon, so I may check this out since it's so central to the story
