Monday, September 18, 2023

Full Moon Over Freedom by Angelina M. Lopez

Welcome Back, Booklovers! Full Moon over Freedom promised small town romance, big families, and brujas. 

Gillian Armstead-Bancroft aka the Pride of the East Side has returned to Freedom, Kansas. She's seen as the golden child of their small town because she left, got her masters, and married a rich white man. Now she's back and attempting to reclaim her power after a divorce from her emotionally abusive husband who could care less about their children, especially her autistic son. This bruja's magic is attempting to break the curse on her magic. While back in town she reunites with Nicky Mendoza, her childhood friend who she had a summer fling with back during her early college days.

This is a very steamy read which is something Angelina Lopez does very well. This was further aided by an audiobook narrator who clearly understood the assignment. And Nicky and Gillian have great chemistry that makes you want to keep listening.

Nicky and Gillian are both half Mexican American and Anglo American and are working on a project together that helps honor the town's Mexican American community. I enjoyed the backstory created for this town and the interactions with Gillian's family members.

Nicky is dealing with some guilt over his brother's addiction issues which was an interesting development. However once we start getting into flashbacks it started loosing my attention towards the end. Admittedly he wasn't as fleshed out of a character as Gillian and I didn't get a clear picture of his adult dynamic with his brother. He also briefly lies about being engaged to push Gillian away and that part made no sense.

There's still plenty to enjoy with touches of magical realism woven throughout this sweet second chance story.

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