Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Princess of Thornwood Drive by Khalia Moreau

Welcome Back, Booklovers! This was one of the books I went in not really knowing what to expect. I think it was the mention of Trinidadian lore that initially put this on my radar awhile back.

A year ago an accident killed Laine's parents and left her younger sister paralyzed and non verbal. Since then Laine has been struggling with expenses, taking care of her sister, and trying to balance work and school. It's a relief to her when she's able to put her in Lake Forest Adult Day Center. 

Alyssa meanwhile is coping with her reality in a different way. In her mind she and her family are apart of the royal family of Mirendal and while she was cursed, her parents were kidnapped. Now she's navigating through this magical land with mermaids and fairies trying to adjust to her new life.

The Princess of Thornwood Drive is an interesting genre blend that is one part hard hitting contemporary and another party fantasy that stands out among other recent reads. There's an open dialogue in this book about abuse within the healthcare profession as well as tackling grief from parental death, sexual assault (off page), and mental health issues. It doesn't shy away from the burdens of being a caretaker and the pain that comes from it.

While there were some mentions of Jumbies I wouldn't go in expecting a ton of Trinidadian lore. Don't go in expecting a fantasy in the way you would approach an epic fantasy. But the fantasy in this world is an interesting contrast to the real world issues. This book is emotional without feeling too heavy and has good pacing. 

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