Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Thieves' Gambit by by Kayvion Lewis

Welcome Back, Booklovers! So I heard about Thieves' Gambit when the rights were acquired for adaptation. There's so many books they go to auction. There's so many books that have their rights acquired and it's announced prior to publication. And I always wonder what is it about this book that is generating so much buzz in advance. And the majority of time when I read the book I'm left disappointed. So I was hesitantly curious about this book since these contemporary thrillers tend to be a big miss for me.

Ross Quest is a seventeen year old from a family of well known thieves living in the Bahamas. But she plans to leave the family business by dipping out on her mother after their latest job. When her mother is captured and held for ransom she has to join the Thieves' Gambit, an international heist competition and compete against some of the world's greatest young thieves for the grand prize. One of those competitor's includes Ross' sworn enemy. 

Finally a heist story with actually heists! This is a fast-paced YA thriller which was refreshing with how many books lately are so slow. Even though these high stakes competition or trials stories are very popular right now this manages to stand out on it's own. The bold characters, fun locations, and twists make it easy to see why this one was scooped up for adaptation. 

It ends on a cliffhanger that leaves plenty of room for a solid story in the sequel. And it feels like a book actually written with it's teen readers in mind with readable prose and the right balance of character and plot.

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