Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Snowbound Second Chance by Reese Ryan

Welcome Back, Booklovers! Whenever I need a light quick romance read I turn to Harlequin. Reese Ryan knows how to deliver. RIP to Harlequin's Desire line but luckily there's still so many books in the backlist I still need to read. And tackling Reese Ryan's Valentine's Vineyard series is definitely on my agenda. I love romances that also include families. I want to see the interactions with parents, siblings, and cousins on page. You can get Snowbound Second Chance here and keep reading for more. 

Snowbound Second Chance follows Sebastian Valentine and Evelisse “Evvie” Jemison. Both live outside of Magnolia Lake and are working at jobs that are unfulfilling. Sebastian ends up coming back to Magnolia Lake after having a panic attack at work over some changes to worker's conditions that the new company in charge wants to implement. Since his father sold the textile company he is acting CEO in name only. Evvie is working as a personal assistant after her Hollywood Actress Dreams failed to pan out. This job was supposed to lead to work behind the camera but her boss isn't delivering on his promise. Evvie's sister Kayleigh asks her to come home and help her run the inn that she has just opened on their family's old land. And though Evvie is reluctant at first due to childhood trauma that she's been running from, she decides to return home. The two met the year before and nothing came from it but with Sebastian at the inn for a long term stay and Evvie as acting innkeeper thing really heat up when the temperatures drop.

These are characters in their forties who act like it but that doesn't mean they have life completely figured out. Evvie has been putting in a lot of work on herself over the past year with therapy and it's refreshing to read. She's also reflected on her previous relationship and understands what both of their faults were so she doesn't plan on repeating the same mistakes. Sebastian despite having gone through a divorce because of his unhealthy overcommitment to work, still isn't ready to quite let go of what he believes is his family legacy. Even though his family has moved on to their vineyard venture he isn't on board yet and has a lot to learn. These two have great communication with each other which only enhances their chemistry. And like the title suggests you can be prepared for a sexy snowbound scene. 

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