Friday, June 28, 2024

A Little Bit of Love by Synithia Williams

Welcome Back, Booklovers! I'm back with another romance and this one is by an author favorite. A Little Bit of Love by Synithia Williams features Sherri "Li'l Bit" Thomas who was previously seen in Counterfeit Courtship giving Tyrone trouble by painting him as a dog. So I was so excited to see she had her own book because I knew drama and mess would ensue. 

Sherri is a restaurant owner living in a small coastal South Carolina town. She decides to take part in a new community initiative after teenagers start causing trouble for small businesses of the South side of town. She ends up being paired with cop Deandre King who she had met previously when he arrested her after she vandalized an ex's car. But unlike many of the people in town who have written her off as ghetto, Deandre sees her as more. Though Deandre falls for her fast he doesn't want to move too quickly because he has a teenage son to think about who has been running with a new crowd recently and closing himself off from his dad. 

I wasn't sure where this story was going to go at first and I will say Synithia switched it up in a very realistic way that sets this one apart from other small town romances. In some of her other books she's had the teenage child who is happy for their parent to find love and is pushing for them but here Deandre's son actually causes trouble for the couple with blatant attempts to push them apart. Another aspect of note is that it's addressed that Black people don't have the best relationships with cops and Sherri's family is hesitant to embrace her new relationship because of that. I also loved that misconceptions about Sherri people had based off her previous incident with her ex was addressed. My biggest complaint was that it was over too soon!

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