Monday, June 24, 2024

Until I Met You by Amber Rose Gill

Welcome Back, Booklovers! Hope you're staying hot during this heatwave! I started reading from my vacation books TBR this month and Until I Met You has been sitting on my shelves for some time so after my own little Caribbean vacation it was the perfect time to pick up this vacation romance.

Until I Met You follows Samantha who is in Tobago performing bridesmaid's duties for her childhood best friend after a breakup. It's tough being the only single one in the group and after a rough first meeting she ends up hooking up with one of the groom's friends named Roman. Roman is living in Tobago helping his grandparents with their shop after leaving a lucrative career on Wall Street.

This was a cute read but it did take a little time for me to really get invested because at the start you're placed right into this situation and all these names are getting thrown at you and the breakup has already happened off page. Then after an initial clash Samantha and Roman get together quickly. But when they  found their groove they were very cute. However when I thought the book was hitting it's peak that's when the drama really amped up. So secrets were being spilled and people came to the island to shake things up and it made it hard to see how things were going to wrap up. Especially since Roman refuses to share anything about himself and Sam is basically pulling teeth to find out why he up and decided to move to Tobago with no clear plans. It got frustrating when she asked him for the umpteenth time and he was still trying to be vague. I think if the drama was spread out a little bit more instead of jammed packed into the last few days of the trip it would've flowed better.

The depictions of Tobago were pretty spot on. They went there as a vacation destination as do many people including people from Trinidad and they did the touristy things like visit the beaches and the Nylon Pool.

Samantha ultimate learns a lot about herself like the fact that she and her friends are growing up and growing apart and  they don't share as much with each other as they should. She's also learning to figure out what she wants to do in life. She starts a travel blog to document the trip but ultimately it ends up becoming a more personalized account of everything going on between her and her friends. 

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