Thursday, April 29, 2021

Interview with Author Sarah Dass


Welcome Back, Booklovers! I just love bringing these author interviews to you. And I was so excited to interview Sarah Dass especially after reading her debut Where the Rhythm Takes You. It was sweet, sensual, summer fun. And if your missing traveling this one takes you to the beautiful island of Tobago. So check out this interview and get to know the author behind the book, read my review, and go place your order!

What was life like growing up in Tobago?

I think it must be like living in a lot of places. You go to school, learn, get a job, go to work… but Tobago is also quiet and small. It can sometimes feel cut off from the rest of the world. When I was growing up, it could get boring. I’ve come to like how peaceful it is now though, and I’ve realized that I had a pretty good childhood even if I didn’t appreciate it at the time.

Have you tried any of the more touristy activities like horseback riding or jet skiing? 

I have done horseback riding on the beach. No jet skiing though. There’s a lot I haven’t tried yet. I guess, it’s that silly mindset of it’s right there. I’ll get to it eventually.

Where did you get your love of reading and writing from?

My family is full of readers. There were a lot of books in our house when I was growing up. My parents were also really supportive of my writing. I think it would’ve been impossible for me not to pick it up.

What is Where the Rhythm Takes You about?

Where the Rhythm Takes You is a YA contemporary retelling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion set in Tobago.

In the story, seventeen-year-old Reyna gets a second chance at first love when her childhood best friend, Aiden comes roaring back into her life. He’s now one-third of the hottest music group, DJ Bacchanal, and a VIP guest at the sea-side hotel Reyna’s family owns. 

Since her mother passed away two years earlier, Reyna has been trying to fill the space her mom left by running the hotel. But Aiden’s return, after pursuing his music dreams abroad, forces Reyna to take a second look at the choices she’s made and she must decide whether to continue living for the past or follow her own dreams, wherever they take her.

How did you go about pitching Where the Rhythm Takes You?

The idea for the book came from a conversation with my agent. Persuasion is one of my all-time favorite books, so I loved the idea to retell it and set it in my home country. It took about a year and a half to write and revise before we submitted it to editors.

During your writing process did you ever feel like you had to change the setting or make it more palatable for the US audience?    

While writing the book, I was conscious of the fact that I intended to publish in the US, so there were certain times that I stopped to explain something I wouldn’t have otherwise. But I also tried to keep the setting as true to my experience growing up in Tobago as possible. I feel like this is a tricky line to walk, but I do think it should be up to the author in circumstances like this to determine their way of navigating it. They should definitely not be pressured by their agents or publishers to make something more palatable. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case for me with this book.

Did you base the resort in Where the Rhythm Takes You off a specific resort? I personally was picturing the Magdalena while reading. 

I had a few different resorts in mind when I wrote it. The Magdalena was one of them. 

What are your favorite recent reads?

Don't Date Rosa Santos by Nina Moreno, Monday's Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson, and I Can Make This Promise by Christine Day

Let's talk romance, what’s your dream date?

Probably something outdoors, like a walk through the botanical gardens.

You seem to enjoy gardening as well, Is this a new love or a long time hobby?

It’s an old hobby that I’ve picked up again. I’m really enjoying it, especially because I hadn’t realized how much of my time has been centered around my day job or author-related activities. It’s been good to have a hobby that’s separate from my writing.

If a genie offered you three wishes what would you wish for?

1. A way to instantly get story ideas out of my head and onto the page, and have it be just as brilliant as I imagined, no revisions required.

2. The ability to sing like Mariah Carey

3. The power of teleportation

Are you able to give us a preview for your next project?

Sure! It’s a Much Ado About Nothing retelling set in Trinidad. It’s not a direct sequel, but it’s in the same fictional universe as Where the Rhythm Takes You. Some familiar characters may pop up. Please look out for it!

You can follow Sarah Dass on Twitter @SarahDassAuthor and please pre-order this book! It releases May 11th, 2021! 

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