Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Scandalous Secrets by Synithia Williams


Welcome Back,  Booklovers! I am back with another review from the soapy Jackson Falls series. You can check out my reviews of Book 1 and 3. You don't have to read them all but I highly suggest you do! 

This story centers around middle child Byron who is running for Senate. After someone attempting to sabotage his campaign blackmails him he has to face a secret he's kept hidden for years. Back in college he had a crush on his friend, Zoe who found herself pregnant while trying to escape an abusive relationship. In order to help her, Byron agreed to let her name him as the father of her daughter. Now when Byron tracks down Zoe he find out someone has been threatening her. They decide to come together for both their sakes.

Byron's pushy father Grant and campaign manager Roy can't wait to spin this inconvenience to win favor with voters. Byron has a pushy fiancée who is doing her best to play the role of committed senator's girlfriend and future stepmother. They're relationship of convivence is threatened by Byron's very real past feelings for Zoe that have resurfaced. While Byron is fighting feelings that never went away; Zoe is finally seeing him in a new light.

It was interesting to read a romance where the man had to fight harder for the relationship because the woman was reluctant. Zoe was still working through trauma from her past relationship and the relationships she grew up seeing. Her concerns about relying too much on a man to take care of her felt very valid. Byron was super sweet and supportive the entire time welcoming her daughter Lilah into his life. That scene where he showed them around town was one of my favorites.

I also enjoyed seeing Zoe bond with Elaina and work with her to steal one of Grant's companies behind his back. I liked how unapologetic Zoe was about helping too. Elaina took to the auntie role very quickly with Lilah. 

This story amped up the drama with twists I didn't see coming. Though Byron's campaign causes friction this isn't a story full of politics. Southern family drama is definitely at the forefront but Zoe and Byron's love for each other still shines through. 

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