Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Perfect Play by G.S. Carr


Welcome Back, Booklovers! As you know book burnout is real! In order to keep myself going while I'm jumping around genres I like to read a short romance before I dive into heavier reads. And since I have Audible one of their latest originals was recommended to me.

A small-town librarian and an NFL wide-receiver wake up married in Vegas. Secretly Simone and James both have had the hots for each other for awhile. Will this weekend in Vegas be a game-changer?

I don't ever really expect romantic-comedies to be funny because I find that term is overused because rom-com flows easier than contemporary romance. I went into this hoping for a hot and sexy romance to pass 2 hrs. This wasn't as sexy as the premise made me believe. 

I also have to like the characters in a contemporary romance to enjoy it and I didn't like either one of them. Especially Simone. She was one of those "Not like other girls" characters. She's a librarian who tags along with her NFL player brother as his baby sitter to keep him out of trouble. She will be in the club reading at the bar vs twerking like everyone else. Books are her entire personality and classic titles define her. Of course James who has access to all types of women wants her!

And James is a football player but he's smart! He likes to read too and wants to become a lawyer so he can save the world. And he's looking forward to reconnecting with his Syrian side he's neglected. Basically he's perfect too! A playboy with a heart of gold! And he got close with Simone's twin brother just so he could know everything about her. On top of stalking her IG. Just because reading books in the club is so sexy.

The writing style in this also bugged me because the entire time it tried so hard to be cute and land jokes. But Simone and James had no chemistry together. 

Take a listen if you already have Audible and need something to listen to while passing the time. If not just check out Waking Up Married by Reese Ryan instead. Similar premise but a little bit longer and done so much better.

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