Monday, November 22, 2021

A Kiss at the Mistletoe Rodeo by Kathy Douglass

Welcome Back, Booklovers! It's officially the most wonderful time of the year! This year more than ever I'm really craving those happy feelings that the holiday season brings. And with a good selection of holiday books by Black authors this year I'm ready to experience all the feels. I interviewed Kathy Douglass earlier this year and I've been wanting to read one of her small town romances for awhile. 

Rodeo star Geoff Burris is back in his hometown of Bronco, Montano for the Mistletoe Rodeo. He finds himself in the hospital requiring surgery after an accident at a pre-rodeo press event. There he meets Stephanie Brandt, a sweet nurse who makes a strong first impression.

Sweet doesn't mean devoid of chemistry and Geoff and Stephanie have a strong spark from the beginning. Stephanie is skeptical when Geoff wants to see her outside of the hospital and though she's no rodeo fan she can't help but be impressed. She does struggle with his hoards of adoring fans especially the beautiful woman who make her feel like just a number. 

It has all the charm you expect in a small town romance with cute local businesses and a close community aspect. This one has that added country aspect so if cowboy romances are your thing check this out. I liked the Burris family and how close they all were. Some of Geoff's brothers also compete in the rodeo though they're not nearly as well known as him. 

Light and fluffy this is a good one to curl up with a cup of hot cocoa and just relax and read. 


  1. I have mixed feelings about the cover but it sounds like a good time!

  2. Enjoyed the review, sounds like a cute read
