Friday, April 21, 2023

Magic Corrupts, Magic Conquers by A.J. Locke

Welcome Back, Booklovers! Magic Dark, Magic Divine was one of my favorite fantasy reads back in 2021. I loved the uniqueness of the world and the magic system as well as the romance and it was refreshing and fun. So I was excited to get back into this world.

Pennrae is still trying to get adjusted to this new world that the shift in timelines has created. She has some trauma from the previous book's events she's working through and a part of her wishes she could've remained in the past with her family. While she's glad the world has magic back, she's uncomfortable with her newfound celebrity status. It seems everyone wants a piece of her. She's also discovered that altering the timeline has caused issues for her inner circle and there's multiple threats to their happiness that has to be dealt with. She must tap into powers she's newly discovered to stop a greater enemy.

The world is very expansive. Unlike book 1 which was set in New York City, this is set in Nova Celes. While Nova Celes bares some resemblances to New York and has a few of the same buildings, it's got unique transportation systems and new magical establishments. So readers who enjoyed the cool creatures of the previous book will enjoy discovering more of the magic world. I was grateful for the glossary because with the huge ensemble cast I had forgotten some characters and we have new ones introduced. Sometimes I got a little confused keeping track of everyone. 

The action is non-stop but there's no shortage of romance and friendship. It ends on a little bit of a cliffhanger that has me excited to see where's Penn's decisions take her in book 3.

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