Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Alliance with His Stolen Heiress

Welcome Back, Booklovers! I wouldn't say I'm in my historical romance era by any means but I've been enjoying some of the more diverse ones that have been released recently. I like Compromised into a Scandalous Marriage last summer so when I saw Lydia San Andres had another Harlequin historical releasing I was intrigued.  I received a copy from Harlequin in exchange for an honest review.

Amalia is desperate to break away from her uncle and head off with her sister to live the life they've always dreamed up in Europe. She concocts a scheme to get part of her inheritance by teaming up with a bandit to stage her kidnapping. The plan is to have her uncle pay the hefty ransom and give her kidnapper for hire a cut. Unfortunately the plan backfires when Amalia's uncle decides he's happier to have her out of the way.

Lydia San Andres delivers another highly determined heroine. Just like in her previous book we have a young woman from a wealthy family who is living in a lavish estate with a controlling family member. And we get a glimpse into the lavish Caribbean upper crust of yesteryear which we don't always see in the historical romance space especially not with two brown leads. But our lead here is a fighter who isn't afraid to stand up to her uncle and though somewhat inexperienced still comes across a secure in her identity. She's not written as the shy virgin trope. She wants what she wants whether it's considered proper or not and she's not afraid to go head to head with the men in this book.

People who can't tolerate liars in romance are going to have mixed feelings about Julian. He hides some very important facts about his family and also makes some jerk moves. But I still liked his charm and wit. He's a good man who makes some questionable at times decisions.

Readers who like non stop action and drama will like this one. Especially if you like an action hero love interest swooping in to save the day. The romance may be slow-burn but there were enough moving pieces that I never got bored. And I enjoyed the banter and sexy moments sprinkled throughout. 

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