Friday, April 28, 2023

Why I'm Grateful for My Local Library

Welcome Back, Booklovers! It's National Library Week which means it the perfect time to draw more attention and awareness to library usage. And with some cities slashing library budgets and book bans resulting in library closures it's more important than ever to show public libraries support.

I've been going to the library since I was a young child. While my mother did buy me books there was no way she could have afforded to indulge my constant need for a new story. One of my favorite parts of the summer was my library's summer reading program. Every year I couldn't wait to fill out the paper forms and redeem them for prizes. 

And libraries aren't just a place to go get books. My library offers many different events for the community including plant swaps, urban farming demonstrations, ESL classes, Computer Classes, STEAM nights for younger children, Youth Chess, Virtual Yoga, Crochet classes, and so much more. 

There have been days where I didn't have internet at my house including a recent work from home day. Instead of having to call off I went to my local branch and was able to work. There are a few branches around here that have free meeting rooms available to book with bring your own device capability which is great for people who need a private space.

While I don't visit the library in person as often as I'd like to,  I still find my ways to support. I read a lot of ebooks and I like listening to audiobooks. So Hoopla and Libby come in clutch for me. I was introduced to them fairly early into the pandemic and there's not a month that goes by that I don't use those apps. And I even convinced one of my friends to get a library card for those times when she wants different options than what Kindle Unlimited has to offer.

I also donate to my local library. The Friends of the library are pretty good at giving you a breakdown of how your donation can potentially be used and even a small donation goes a long way. If you're a person who buys multiple books a year take the same money you'd spend on one book and sponsor a book purchase or donate to help your library continue offering it's many services.

The library isn't just a place to get books it's a community center that can only grow with your support.

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