Monday, February 15, 2021

Passionfruit: A Prompt-Based Journal for the Self Reflective Black Woman

Welcome Back, Booklovers! Every so often someone sends me something unexpected that I enjoy.  This indie published journal by Mimi Oseni was one of those things. I'm not normally someone who journals. I usually have a hard time keeping up with that. I tried book journaling last year and was horrible at it. But I have alot of time to reflect lately and I'm at a stage recently where I am reflecting on my life. 

It has great prompts like "Create a playlist by listing ten songs that help you cultivate and maintain the feeling of joy" and , "What about being a Black woman brings you the most joy?" Mainly of the prompts weren't things I normally think about. Looking through it a common theme is, "What makes you happy? Or how do you plan to bring happiness into your life?" Throughout their are positive affirmations and quotes from famous Black women.

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Lover of food and lore. I'm always looking to get lost in my next adventure between the pages.