Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Drown Me with Dreams by Gabi Burton

Welcome Back, Booklovers! I loved Sing Me to Sleep when I read it last year. It was a very fast read for me and came at the perfect time. So imagine my excitement over the chance to read Drown Me With Dreams pre-release. I received an arc from Bloomsbury for review so keep reading for my thoughts.

Drown Me with Dreams picks up where the previous book ended. Prince Hayes is now King Hayes and Saoirse is a fugitive being hunted by the Enforcers of the Kingdom. Hayes is doing his best to keep her safe while they formulate a plan of action to send her through the barrier to the kingdom they know little about on the other side. As the Resistance continues to grow Saoirse must battle enemies on both sides of the barrier. 

While I would say Sing Me to Sleep was more action packed Drown Me With Dreams is more strategy focused so it's slower paced. There was no one clear foe to thwart so as I reader I was never quite sure what direction I was being pulled in. 

This book also leans heavier into the romance which at times resulted in some repetitive scenes. However Hayes and Saoirse do have great chemistry together that makes you want to root for them. And I like that Hayes kept consistent with his already established character traits as far as wanting to be the fair King. Saoirse also works on controlling her instincts to kill which meant there were less murder scenes and she lost a little bit of her siren lure.  Though there's still a sprinkling of haunting moments where she uses her song to bend people to her will. She's a great strategist and smart heroine which I could appreciate and it's part of what kept me reading. I needed to see her succeed. 

Overall I would say Drown Me With Dreams has a more mature feel compared to it's predecessor and it's still an interesting journey that ends with a satisfying conclusion. 

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Lover of food and lore. I'm always looking to get lost in my next adventure between the pages.