Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Perfect Ruin by Shanora Williams

Welcome Back, Booklovers! I had been meaning to read The Perfect Ruin for a couple of years now. It first caught my eye back in 2021, when I was wanting to read more Black thrillers. After reading another recent Shanora Williams book I decided it was time to check this one out at the library. 

In The Perfect Ruin, we're introduced to Ivy, a young woman who has had a rough life. We don't know the detail right away but we know her therapist has given her the name of the person responsible for her trouble. Lola Maxwell is the name of the woman and Ivy wanting her revenge does her research on Lola looking for an opening into her world. Ivy changes her appearances and infiltrates Lola's inner circle becoming close friends with her and taking out anyone who stands in her path. 

Shanora William's has compulsively readable writing. Thought the pacing was off early on in this book I was still yearning to find out what direction the story would go in. The reveal of what Lola did to Ivy that has her so vengeful was dangled over the audience's head for far too long. By the time it's revealed it has you expecting something a bit grander. But still I had to keep reading to the end as other twists were revealed. This is a thriller that is over the top and most comparable to a Lifetime thriller. That trainwreck that doesn't make the most logical sense but still sucks you in. I could tell the author was a longtime writer of romance in the way she wrote some of the racier scenes in this book even though there wasn't anything romantic here. This was Williams first foray into thrillers and I'm interested in reading some of her subsequent thrillers to see how her writing has changed.

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Lover of food and lore. I'm always looking to get lost in my next adventure between the pages.